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Jerzy Borowski
Sławomir Michalak


The paper presents algorithms for compensating selected errors of the AHRS/INS system at various stages of its construction and testing. The object of the research was a laboratory model of the system built at the Air Force Institute of Technology. Methods of identifying parameters of measurement signals and Kalman filtering are presented. Methods of compensation of instrumental errors related to the mounting geometry of measuring sensors used in the system were discussed. Problems related to the compensation of stochastic errors in the measurement circuits were also presented. One of the more difficult problems is the compensation of the BIAS error and the compensation of the non-commutativity of rotations around the measurement axes. Accurate compensation of errors in cardanless inertial navigation systems has a large impact on the accuracy of determining the attitude in AHRS systems and the accuracy of determining the position in INS systems.



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How to Cite
Borowski, J., & Michalak, S. (2024). WYBRANE PROBLEMY KOMPENSACJI BŁĘDÓW BEZKARDANOWEGO SYSTEMU NAWIGACJI INERCJALNEJ AHRS/INS. Aviation and Security Issues, 5(1), 29–39. https://doi.org/10.55676/asi.v5i1.59


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