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Andrzej Szelmanowski
Michał Burek
Piotr Rogala
Mariusz Izdebski


This paper presents an educational simulator of an inertial navigation system built at the Air Force Institute of Technology. The article focuses on the presentation of the influence of instrumental errors of measurement elements on the calculation model, using interference simulation methods. Problems of diagnosing inertial navigation system malfunctions were analysed, covering older (gimballed) and modern (non-gimballed) solutions. The theoretical aspects of the performance of these systems are discussed, using matrix calculus and fault diagram. The main part of the paper presents the optimisation of the physical model of the navigation system, focusing on hardware, algorithms, and signal conditioning modules. The simulator demonstration includes the introduction of disturbances and error analysis of various aspects of the system. The summary points out the importance of the simulator test method for training avionics students, flight engineering service and pilots, considering it as an essential part of supporting the educational process in the field of integrated avionics systems.


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Szelmanowski, A., Burek, M., Rogala, P., & Izdebski, M. (2023). OPTIMALISED PHYSICAL MODEL OF INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM AS EDUCATION SIMULATOR. Aviation and Security Issues, 4(2), 337–355. https://doi.org/10.55676/asi.v4i2.89


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