Main Article Content
The purpose of this article is to characterize the activities of non-governmental organizations on the example of the Tatra Mountains Volunteer Rescue Service. The purpose was also to determine the impact of the activities of these organizations, on building the internal security of the
state and the sense of security of citizens. The first part describes non-governmental organizations, their role for modern states and the legal framework in which they operate, as well as defining them. Subsequently, organizations operating as social rescue organizations are distinguished, their characteristics, example entities,
as well as their participation in crisis management
are presented. The main part focuses on mountain rescue, discussing its activities, taking as an example the interventions undertaken by the Tatra Voluntary Rescue Service in 2022. The main problem was formulated: How does the activity of social rescue organizations affect the
construction of internal security of the state and the sense of security of citizens? For the research problem formulated in this way, the following research hypothesis was adopted: The incidents recorded in recent years and the effective activity of TOPR in the face of the incidents that have occurred, is clear evidence of the impact of this type of organization on the level of internal security of the state and the sense of security of citizens. Qualitative methods were used to obtain answers to the research problem posed. The study made use of the latest statistics on the activities of social emergency organizations presented in documents and reports in 2018–2022, and an analysis based on scientific articles from recent years was conducted. Information was also obtained from national legal acts.
Article Details

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