Main Article Content
Non-technical competences are vitally important
in professions involving direct contact
with customers as they need effective communication,
collaboration, and analysis of the
behaviour of others, as well as a goal-oriented
approach such as decision making and adaptation.
The motivation for writing the Article was
to determine to what extent the applicants for
passenger service jobs at an airport meet the
expectations of such organizations in terms of
their efficiency in the context of the above-mentioned
competence. This Article is a theoretical
and empirical study. The diagnostic survey method
has been applied. A survey technique has
been selected for own research and the test
tools used are questionnaires and tests. In the
course of own research the following measures
were used: APIS-Z test battery( that is; Behavior
Test and Story Test), Social Competence
Questionnaire and Communication Test. In this
Article, the measures of dispersion have been
used to interpret the results of the own tests,
that is the methods from the descriptive statistics
group, i.e. standard deviation and variance.
On the basis of quantitative and qualitative
analyses, it can be concluded that the subjects
in the group of candidates for aviation personnel
were better than employees already employed
in these positions. It is worth pointing
out here that because of the number of respondents,
the results of the survey may bear a large
research error.
Article Details
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